Bioclimatismo y arquitectura de Sewell:
Lecciones deun diseño adaptado al clima central andino
PLEA 2017 Innovative Design and Technical Feasibility of a Low Operation and Maintenance Cost Dwelling Prototype for Immigrants in a Consolidated Urban Area in Santiago de Chile
PLEA 2017 Toward new design of laser cut panels for scattering of sunlight at high latitides
Revista Ca152 2016 Pobreza Energética Perspectiva Desde La Intervención Urbana, Edificación Y El Medio Ambiente.
IBPC 2015 Methodology for informed design of sustainable tourism accomodation in Chile´s 9th Region the Gateway to Patagonia
SB 2014 Post Occupancy Evaluation and User Behaviour as the Basis of the Design of Energy Efficient Dwellings for Temuco-Padre Las Casas, a City Declared Saturated by Airborne Pollution.
SB 2014 Training for a sustainable future of the tourist sector in the Coastal
VERSUS 2014 The Ruka Mapuche clues for a sustainable architecture in southern Chile
Windsor 2014 Enviromental comfort in the living heritage of chilean Araucania The Ruka Lafkenche and the Fogon Pehuenche
UCEN Hallazgos
CLIMA 2013 Participatory Evaluation of Performance in Public Buildings. The Case of Historic Buildings of the Ministry of Public Works, Chile.
ENCAC 2013 Re-acondicionamiento térmico en Temuco padre las casas
PLEA 2013 The challenge of sustainable tourist infrastructure in the Araucania Andina, Chile
WBC 2013 The Mixed Use Residential Building in Chiles Mediterranean Climate
PLEA 2012 The mixed use residential building. A solution for Mediterranean Chilean cities
PLEA 2012 Urban Agriculture in the Metropolitan Area of Santiago de Chile
ENCAC 2011 El Edificio de Viviendas Multiprograma Sustentable
REVISTA GUJS 2011 Post-Occupancy Evaluation of State Schools in 5 Climatic Zones
PLEA 2006 A border customs control building at 4.700 m. above sea level in Southern Andes A challenge for design in extreme climate condition
PLEA 2002 Notes of architectural responsiveness of foreign immigrants to local climates
PLEA 2000 Design Tool for energy efficiency and thermal comfort in public buildings.