Dr Carolina Valdebenito spoke on the topic “The Role of Bioethics in the Social Construction of Mental Health”.
Between October 25 and October 27, the researcher in the area of social bioethics of the Research and Postgraduate Institute of FAMEDSA, Dr Carolina Valdebenito, spoke at the XIV Latin American and Caribbean Congress on Bioethics, organized by the Latin American Federation of Bioethics Institutions (FELAIBE) at the Pontificia Universidad Javeriana de Bogotá, Colombia.
On this occasion, Dr Valdebenito addressed the role of bioethics in the social construction of mental health. This is a topic of great relevance to address the new trends and problems currently discussed at a regional level and contribute to the improvement of the research line in bioethics.
For the researcher Carolina Valdebenito, "attending the Congress is of the utmost relevance, helping to generate new gatherings and fostering the advancement of this area of research. I also had the opportunity to participate in the board of directors meeting, where I was invited to collaborate as a representative of FELAIBE in Chile, aiming to strengthen ties and activities in bioethics"
FELAIBE is an articulating axis to promote Institutes and Bioethics centers, in all of Ibero-America. It was formed as a federation in the year 1995, being its main promoter and first president Dr Francisco León, President of the Committee of Scientific Ethics of the Universidad Central de Chile.